April 15, 2014

The Universe

Last year, I signed up at this awesome site called The Universe and they send me notes every weekday.

Notes made me happy. Probably one of the reasons why I signed up for that, because no one will write me notes. Haha!

Believe it or not, some notes actually came at the right time. 

Today, I received this in my inbox.

Kind of like a reminder for me not to give in to my fear that I am facing right now. 

Most of the time, we stop doing what we want to do because we have that fear. Fear of failures, rejections, unknowns, uncertainties and everything else that we are afraid of.

Fear is just a thought that you have created within yourself. Most of the things you worry about will never happen anyway. So, never let fear decides your fate. 

Think about what you would do if you are not afraid. 

And all you need is that first few seconds of courage!

x angeline